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Spann had long since lost custody of her children, who were adopted by their paternal grandmother. Patricia Spann told the child welfare investigator with the state's Department of Human Services that she had three children from a previous marriage: daughter Misty and two sons, according to an affidavit. Patricia Spann's complicated relationship with her children drew scrutiny in August 2016, after a child welfare investigator found that she and Misty Spann, who were living in Duncan, Oklahoma, may have been having an incestuous relationship. On Tuesday, Misty Spann, 26, pleaded guilty to incest. Patricia, 44, is Misty's mother.īoth women were arrested and charged with incest in September 2016, six months after they got married. Patricia and Misty Spann were married on March 26, 2016.Ĭourt records say Patricia Spann had convinced Misty Spann that their marriage was legal - even though they're biologically related. Court said mother 'induced' daughter 'by fraud to enter the marriage'.Mother married daughter, son after losing custody.Woman had lost custody of her 3 children who were adopted by grandmother.

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